Aug 26, 2007

Wafi City

Wafi Mall is one of the largest and most impressive places in Dubai to go shopping, the mall has a great reputation for value, especially on designer goods, which are around half the price you would pay in the UK.

(r)OurTeam Photo 2003 at Encounter Zone - Wafi's Family Entertainment Center where I worked for 3 years.
(l) my "petiks" shot at Crystal Maze Egyptian at EZone.

(left:) w/ our students at the upper lobby during Summer Camp
(right) w/ Iranian friend-guests at the foodcourt

Wafi is famous for Egyptian theming. You can see here a lot of related architecture. The Mall owner Sheikh Mana Kalifa Maktoum designed it that way as his form of tribute.

guest's inner entrance to the mall levels and shops..

A Birds Eyeview of Wafi City where Wafi Mall is a a part.

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